Creation to Christ:
An ongoing skill we are working on this year is for Emmett to 'shrink' his writing. Little by little he is beginning to write smaller, with more spaces, and straighter across the notebook entries. I know this will keep improving from having had 2 other sons go through this guide, so it is worth the time to work on it with him rather than modifying the assignment. Of course it's different if a kiddo has been diagnosed with special needs that truly may require modification of an assignment, but for Emmett, that is not the case. It's more the case of a mama (a.k.a. me) not having him write all summer. Yes, I confess, he had a writing-free summer. I had good intentions to keep him writing, knowing those little hand muscles would suffer the next school year with no use over the summer. But, my good intentions didn't happen. He DID read this summer, and well, he just had a glorious summer being a boy loving the outdoors and loving where we live. Next summer, we shall see what happens. Anyway, you'll see not so perfect writing here, with not so perfect spacing, but that's ok - I know he'll keep improving given time!
In Singapore Math 5B, I often write the Textbook problems for Emmett on marker boards. He solves one while I write the next one, and then we switch. It works well, as these are longer lessons since he is learning how to do larger number multiplication and division with remainders...
Here is Emmett's watercolor painting of rocks in conjunction with his Robert Frost poem "One Step Backward"...
In Write with the Best, Emmett wrote a story about his Beanie Balz Speedy, who he adores!
Emmett continues to add to his Science notebook of Animal Tracks...
Here is his latest science lab sheet...
I have really seen marked improvement already this year in DITHOR for Emmett. He is doing Level 4/5, and he loves to read! He doesn't love to write as much as he loves to read, but that's a battle he won't win with me - writing is a necessary part of the assignment and a very necessary skill to have!
To help Emmett 'shrink' his writing, I often will write his answers to a portion of his R & S English lesson on notebook paper, so he can look at my writing as a model. I remind him the goal is to try to shrink his writing to a similar size as my example, as well as add spaces that are similar in size to my model. Never assume kids just 'know how' to write on notebook paper! Yes, even this skill improves greatly if it is modeled and taught!!!
In Christ,