Preparing Hearts for His Glory:
Well, my little pumpkin has finally turned a corner - a corner he very much needed to turn! Somehow, with Emmett being the baby of the family, we did not expect him to do things we expected the other boys to do at his age. I didn't realize how much I was doing for him until this last past month or so in PHFHG. I was still getting his books for him to meet with me in the morning because he never had them together, for example. I was still putting away the little tornado of a mess that was always left out on the counter, the floor, the couches, the steps, etc. that evidenced "Emmett had been there." I was also still editing most of his writing and just drawing his attention to it rather than having him correct it himself more, only having him fix a few things rather than them all. And the list goes on. No surprise, Emmett was becoming a careless haphazard worker with many misspelled words and incomplete work (who needs to be careful when mama will fix it all herself!!!
). Well, "no more", I said about a month ago. It has been painful, I will admit it. This change has not been met with enthusiasm. But, now for the good news! Happiness has finally followed a month of gradual handing responsibilities over to Emmett, responsibilities the guide does intend for him to have, I may add. I am proud of the progress I see, and relieved!
Here is my sweet little son proudly showing his notebooking assignment, which he fixed himself following my editing marks...
And here is his letter to his cousin Ben, which he wrote for his grammar assignment and which he fixed himself following my editing marks...
And here is his history project that didn't turn out so great but that he did more semi-independently as the guide intends...
And here is his Common Place Book Bible copywork that has SEVEN, yes count them, SEVEN errors he fixed - there was much sighing during this session, but there were also many fewer mistakes during his next copywork session...
Whew - so take heart, ladies - change is possible with consistency and encouragement!!!!
In Christ,