Missions to Modern Marvels:
We are clipping along, doing the MTMM guide 5 days a week through these blizzard-like winter months! It has been such a blessing to get ahead a little more each week by doing an extra day, so when our beautiful spring weather comes (and our crazy busy season at HOD arrives) we are all able to take days off as needed because we are ahead. This is one of the many blessings of homeschooling with HOD! Pacing can be tailor-made to a family's life - the weather, jobs, activities, interests, vacations, health concerns, etc. In spring my dh often gets the 'fishing bug' and the boys are off fishing unexpectedly for the day. This is a blessing because we are already ahead enough, the boys can go and not feel pressured to 'catch up.'
In history, Riley has been completing many maps related to his history readings. He is learning important map skills, while also connecting maps to his narrative history readings each day - one more way to help that history 'stick' in his mind! He connects to learning through work with his hands especially, so this is a wonderful part of the geography plans for him each week!
Riley's history notebook continues to grow, and I am happy with the growth I see. I know he needs to keep improving to be ready for high school, but I am seeing enough improvement in attention to detail (and neater writing) that I think he will be ready - whew!
Riley has been reading about Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity in science this week. He is so interested in it! I like the questions we are doing alongside his readings as well. He wrote a written narration I'll share here too (how I love that CM style skills are a part of science too)!...
In grammar, Riley is studying poetry, and he wrote a nice little poem about words I thought was quite clever for a 5 minute activity. He also gets to express his creative side in his Nature Journal this year...
In grammar, I sometimes have Riley take a few quick notes for him to be able to refer to as we orally do his grammar. It seems to help him organize his thoughts better and give more succinct answers orally as we clip along through the lesson...
Riley's State Study continues to give a wealth of information about our state that is fascinating and memorable...
I really like the science experiment lab form Riley completes for his science experiments! He has gotten better and better at completing these and understanding the flow of the process...
In Christ,