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Week in Review - Nov. 21-25

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:07 pm
by my3sons
Ok Ladies,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review - Nov. 21-25

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:47 pm
by my3sons
Nov. 21-25
Preparing Hearts for His Glory
Unit 9
Reading about History
Emmett has been learning about the Greeks at the time of King David this week. He read about Solomon choosing wisdom when asked by the Lord what he desired most, and how even the Queen of Sheba came to marvel as Solomon. He read about the legend of the Trojan horse, as well as about Homer’s The Iliad and Odyssey poems.

Emmett simply adores Aesop’s Fables! It fits right with what we are learning in history and has some great life lessons!

History Project
Emmett enjoyed researching the meaning of his own name this week. He loved making his name poster with little pictures of his talents, hobbies, and favorite things around it. He hung it on his bedroom door, right above his timeline…

Independent History Study
This is one wild looking sheep! We are working on coloring neatly still. His drawing his greatly improving though with the step-by-step instructions. I can already see improvement in his next drawing, the Trojan Horse…
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His timeline Trojan horse looks a lot like his Draw & Write picture – I love to see that natural carryover of skills!

Poetry – Unit 9, Day 2:
This is a nice fall poem where Emmett tried his hand at rhyming! The prewriting activity helped him organize his thoughts…
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Bible Study
Emmett now has Psalm 34:1-5 memorized. We have enjoyed discussing this passage! I like seeing the verses high-lighted in his Bible grow!
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Language Arts – DITHOR:
Emmett is delving deeper into the story element of character, as he compares himself to Buffalo Bill…

Math Exploration
Singapore Math has the best ‘tricks’ and ‘tips’ for teaching multiplication!
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Science Exploration
Emmett’s notebooking continues to grow as he adds to it each week. He also is writing his answers in complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation for his science questions – and skipping lines – hooray!
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Why does water disappear so quickly in the desert after it rains? Emmett knows after this experiment on Day 4…
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review - Nov. 21-25

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:19 pm
by my3sons
Nov. 21-25
Missions to Modern Marvels - Unit 9
Reading about History…
This week Riley has been studying The Boxer Rebellion, the Russo-Japanese War, and the Balkan Wars. The Hero Tales readings about Jonathan and Rosalind Goforth being missionaries and preaching in Changteh during the Boxer Rebellion were inspirational to Riley. His notebook page shows all of his hard work on his timeline entries, his written narration about the Balkan Wars, and his quote he wrote of Jonathan Goforth…
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Angel on the Square has been a good look into the perils of war, and how one can be caught in the middle…

Independent History Study and History Project…
Riley used a map in his MTMM Student Notebook to locate the Russian Sphere of Influence, the British Sphere of Influence, and Persia’s Neutral Sphere. This coincided nicely with his history project, which had him coloring, cutting apart, and reassembling the map entitled “The Fight for Persia” …
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Nature Journal/Biblical Self-Image…
It was fun reading Riley’s nature journal entry today - a little ray of sunshine in my day!

Bible Quiet Time…
The prayer starters Riley is using this year are excellent! I truly need to make a copy of them for my own Bible study time each morning. They model the ACTS plan for prayer, which follows the structure of the Lord’s Prayer…

Language Arts…
Here is Riley’s latest DITHOR page – he is really enjoying Sir Knight of the Splendid Way and how it parallels the Bible. Emmett and he had an object based prereading lesson they both thoroughly enjoyed!!!
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Riley’s English assignment went perfectly with his State Study! He had to write a letter asking for information, so he wrote our state’s tourism department for information. He was shocked it actually worked when he got it in the mai!

Math Exploration…
In Principles of Mathematics, Riley has really been enjoying his study of probabilities and statistics. He has always loved these types of problems – they just make sense to him as he is more mechanically inclined (a trait he gets from his Dad, not me)…
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Science Exploration…
Riley has always enjoyed science, but this year Ellen McHenry’s Elements study has been such a good fit for him! He love to work with his hands, and building various things as he studies the Periodic Table has been a wonderful way for him to learn about the elements!
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review - Nov. 21-25

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:07 pm
by my3sons
Nov. 21-25
Unit 23
U.S. History 1

U.S. History box…
Wyatt has been focusing on the history of the Alamo, the Panic of 1837, and the Amistad this unit. He made a bulleted list of key ideas on an index card to include in his Key Word Oral Narration. It was on the topic of President Andrew Jackson refusing to sign Clay’s bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States…

History Activities box…
Wyatt has been enjoying watching his American Testimony DVD each week. This week, he watched a segment about Jacksonian Democracy, and more specifically, about why the U.S. Government chose to recognize TX as a new republic rather than just admitting it as a state to the Union. Taking notes while listening to/watching a DVD is excellent prep for college courses soon to come for Wyatt, especially in this day and age of online college courses…

Living Library…
Daniel Webster has proven to be an intriguing and inspirational book to read for living library. Not only was he a strong Christian man, he was an outstanding speaker who swayed the nation’s opinion on difficult topics with his expertise with words. The double-entry journal format helps Wyatt first find quotable passages to copy, and then encourages him to respond with his reflections and opinions about those quotations. I like to hear his thoughts on the quotes, and often there are Christian connections he makes. I LOVE this! It is a direct result of all of the assignments through the years that HOD has made to encourage connections to the Bible, to our faith, to our Lord and Savior, and to ways to live out our lives as Christians by applying what we’ve learned!
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In Government, Wyatt has been studying the Bill of Rights. He took a quiz on it this week, and he remembered it well. He has been talking about the amendments as we discuss the issues of this current presidential election. It is exciting to see how well-versed he is in this subject!

Foreign Language…
In Spanish, Wyatt took Self Test 3. He took a break from Spanish and is a little behind in this area, but he is slowly catching up…

Constitutional Literacy/Devotional Bible Study rotating subjects…
In Constitutional Literacy, Wyatt has been learning about racial profiling, which in essence his suspicion of a person because of their race. His response shows he has thought deeply about this topic, and with today’s current tension among races, it is an excellent topic to consider…

Wyatt has been studying Romans and Acts for his Bible study, and so much of these books of the Bible is full of quotable landmark verses. Riley is also studying Romans, and the two of them meet to help each other memorize their Bible verses. They just did this on their own, but I love it!

American Literature…
“The Purloined Letter” has a main character named Dupin, who is the detective in the mystery. The now well-known detective Sherlock Holmes is based on the character Dupin from “The Purloined Letter.” Wyatt thought this was so interesting, as this character was the beginning of the genre ‘mystery’ taking off and being widely read by a larger audience…

Algebra II…
Wyatt has been studying Products and Quotients of Rational Expressions, and I actually remember this and enjoy it still! I have always enjoyed math. Anyway, we typically work through a few problems together after he’s read through the chapter, and then I just spot check it with him as he works. He has the answer key and the flash drive to utilize for help as well…

In Christ,