World History: Unit 3
We are working at half-pace still as we enter into the new guide. I am very pleased with how well this is going. The history portion this week has centered around Laws (Hebrews vs. Hammurabi's). This allowed for discussion and narration about the contrast between the two. We also naturally discussed how Christ came to abolish the law that led so many into a Pharisee type thinking. I brought Luke 11:46 into our discussion, "Jesus replied, 'And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them'". L struggled to see what Christ was saying here about the law and Jesus coming to free the Jews from the law so we moved over to a passage she memorized in middle school with HOD
, Hebrews 11 where we discussed FAITH and how Abraham was credited with Righteousness not because he followed the law (ie. works) but because he believed and trusted in God's promises. I'm loving each opportunity we have to speak about *living out our lives for Christ* as we move through HOD.
L's biggest struggle with WH has been reading Ben Hur and answering the Literature questions. I have not read Ben Hur and I have really struggled to help her. I've decided to take a pause for a week and catch up with her in the book. I'm finding that she can narrate but not go deep with discussions because I'm not able to guide her. I am fine to do this. To keep from discouraging others, I'll add that I enjoy reading the books and really want L to get the most out of this book. She's a *literature* type of gal and I know that I need to put extra effort into teaching her in this area to prepare her for what her future holds.
Cat of Bubastes has been a good first Living Library book. It's definitely high school level and not an easy read with Henty as the author!
Compared to Ben Hur, it's a breeze for L, though.
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Algebra 1 - We are working through Foerster's Algebra at L's pace. We feel that this text is rigorous and worth the extra time and effort. Last week I mentioned that we are stuck and had to watch Khan videos. Dh came home and quickly showed me that I had simply blanked out. It really wasn't that difficult.
I think I was having a "bad math day" on the same day as L. Not a good combo. He taught the lesson in about 5 minutes that we had been stuck on for hours and remedied the issue. I am grateful for a husband on board with homeschooling who is willing to help me when I'm stuck! It is a blessing. He has not always been around or available but what better time than in high school for him to have the desire and time!
This is a BIG answer to prayer.
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EIW 11 is going well. It starts out with review though my daughter had a little fun with the lesson (and as you can see, didn't follow the assignment). She is very happy to be going on a missions trip this week and definitely optimistic and happy with being homeschooled. I am not having her redo this assignment, rather I'll frame it! LOL
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Blessings to you all this week on your journey!