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Week-In Review: February 1-5, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:04 pm
by my3sons
Ok Girls,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week-In Review: February 1-5, 2016

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:17 pm
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
We have come to fractions in math, and I am oh so thankful for Carrie's hands-on math activities! They are really helping Emmett visualize parts of a whole, and how 1/3 can be less than 1/2, even though 2 is usually less than 3. Not an easy concept! :D We've had fun with the activities that are planned, and it has been a good way to introduce this tough concept! Having been through all of Singapore's Primary Mathematics from K to 6B several times now with my older two dc, I know that it is such an amazing math program that it is worth the 'bumps' in the road when In introduce a concept that seems too hard. They get it - eventually - and then they REALLY get it! Like the 'why' rather than just the 'how.' It creates strong math students! That is the goal, right? :)
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Another diverse activity chock full of lots of difficult skills is the vocabulary activity that Emmett does once each week. For the last 1/3 of BHFHG, I have the dc complete 3 vocabulary cards, though we have the choice of 1-3 cards in the plans. I like to increase the level of this skill gradually, so they are ready for the 3-5 vocabulary cards in PHFHG. I know from years of having given standardized tests, these skills are REALLY important! It is exciting to see how Emmett has grown into this activity! I can see he will be ready for the planned increased rigor of this skill in the next guide, PHFHG.

A story we thoroughly enjoyed reading in history was about Kit Carson. He was a renowned hunter, and he knew how to survive in a very wild country. When chased by 2 wild, hungry, and angry bears, he climbed a tree, and fended off the bears by cutting off a limb of the tree to knock them on their tender noses. This saved his life! Emmett liked making his bear masking and wearing it to scare the rest of our family!

Emmett is enjoying learning about our 50 states, their locations, their abbreviations, and who was for the North/South in the Civil War. He also mapped the 3 different routes to rush to find gold. He randomly practiced his freelance cursive in his mapmaking activity too! :D
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In Christ,

Re: Week-In Review: February 1-5, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:09 am
by wonderfilled

Re: Week-In Review: February 1-5, 2016

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:10 pm
by my3sons
United States 1 High School:
For history, Wyatt has been studying the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Wilderness Road. It is ironic that his two younger brothers have been studying much of the same thing, only on an easier less mature level, in RevtoRev and BHFHG. Such fun connections they are making! The full color maps provided in the US1 history notebooking pages are beautiful, and they provide a visual link to what he is reading. During his oral narrations, he is often asked to share a visual aid such as one of these maps and incorporate it into his narration. He is becoming better at doing this more seamlessly. The note cards he often makes in preparation for a narration help him organize his thoughts, include important names/places/events properly in his narrations, and ensure he shares what he wanted to share.
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The Key Word written narration was about Daniel Boone, and Wyatt had to highlight the key words he used within his written narration…
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Wyatt continues to enjoy his Constitutional Literacy course, and here is his latest bulleted response to his question…
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Wyatt began reading “The Scarlet Letter.” I like the Christian focus and questions provided on this classic…

Wyatt’s prayer journal questions continue to grow and to pique his thoughts about how to get the most out of his prayer life with the Lord…

In Christ,

Re: Week-In Review: February 1-5, 2016

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:54 pm
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:

Riley is loving the Inventor Study this year in Revival to Revolution. Exploration Education has him building all sort of things, and the books he is reading for his Inventor Study is fueling his imagination. He loves to read about Henry Ford especially. It appeals to his sense of order alongside his love of inventing…
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In history, Riley has been studying the War of 1812, the Star-Spangled Banner, and the War in Latin America. His written narration was about tensions rising between France and Great Britain, when both countries declared that no ships should enter the other country’s port. One good thing that came out of this was America developing new industries. Here is a picture of his RevtoRev Notebook this week…
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In Christ,
Julie Grosz