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Week in Review: December 14-18, 2015

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:56 pm
by wonderfilled
Hello HOD Homeschoolers,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Re: Week in Review: December 14-18, 2015

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:57 pm
by wonderfilled
I'm a bit late getting this posted. :D
Here's our week from a few weeks ago. ... y-unit-14/

Re: Week in Review: December 14-18, 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:52 pm
by my3sons
Bigger Hearts for His Glory:
This week we have been reading about the War of 1812. We read about William Henry Harrison, who was the son of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. We also read about Tecumseh, who was an Indian leader who met with Harrison to try to come to a peaceful agreement. Emmett had such fun making a grid of letters and numbers with tape on our carpet to use to follow my directions to find specific locations for Tecumseh and Harrison to 'meet.' I would call out a place on the grid for us to meet, like A-3, and if Emmett was right I would meet him, if he was wrong I would not meet him. Good news! We were able to 'meet' every time! :D
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In math, we have been working with money. We have been counting money, learning to write dollar and cents amounts the 2 ways, and making change. He is doing so much better with this, this second time around!
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In science, we used our book "A Pioneer Sampler" to draw a diagram of the tree layers when "Tapping a Maple Tree." Emmett enjoyed reading about the Robertsons making maple syrup and maple sugar from their maple trees. He thought it sounded like hard work! He was also surprised their was the danger of wild animals while they worked on gathering the sap too. What a wild and dangerous life the pioneers led! I am thankful for our well-heated, safe home, and I am also thankful I can just go to the grocery store to buy my maple syrup!

For artistic expression, Emmett used paint and a straw to show the 'bombs bursting in air' as written by Francis Scott Key in the "Star Spangled Banner." This was after reading all about this in "Stories of Great Americans"...
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Finally, Emmett made a note booking page about the "Pledge of Allegiance." He was sad he mixed up the stripes on the flag, but he still did a good job overall!

In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: December 14-18, 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:48 pm
by my3sons
Revival to Revolution:
This week was a milestone in dictation, as Riley has not missed a passage! The dictation passages are getting more and more difficult, so this was a big deal. Riley still struggles with missing a passage, so it is a blessing he is a good speller overall. But, these passages are no joke! They are tough - especially considering he has to remember to indent, spell everything correctly, and use proper punctuation. So, this was a happy dictation week! :D

In "The Exciting World of Creative Writing," Riley is doing character sketches for his story right now. He has chosen to write about himself being an inventor that saves the world with his best buddy Greyson and his best sidekick cat, Smoky. We had fun doing his own character sketch together, and I think this is going to shape up to be a neat story! :D

In history, Riley is learning about The Reign of Terror, the Rosetta Stone, and New Republics. "George Washington's World" does such a good job of painting a picture of one slice of World History at a time, so that we can have a broad sense of what is happening in the world, while also having a detailed sense of a specific event within that backdrop. The primary source document this week was a letter from Marie Antoinette that was written mere hours before her execution, and then "Marie's World," which is our Storytime book we are reading, gives a personal account of what it would have been like to live within the different social classes of the time, and how that impacted everything. This all works together to create such a rich and full look at this time in history. I love that Riley can learn about history in this way.
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In Christ,

Re: Week in Review: December 14-18, 2015

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:25 am
by my3sons
United States 1 High School:
This week in history Wyatt has been learning about the settlers of New England and the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies. We had an interesting discussion about how naming practices of baby boys and girls changed for England post Protestant Reformation. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, names were limited to around 20 each, and they were often based on Norman kings. Post Protestant Reformation, the Bible was readily available and names changed to be more varied and based on the Bible. We enjoyed looking at the list of names and finding those in our family line. You can see Wyatt's written comments on this activity in Box 3 below. In Box 5 below, Wyatt prepare for his "Talking Points" narration about the Puritans. He referred to his index card as he gave his oral narration, and he included the visual aid of pictures in his history book "Never Before in History" as he talked. His card is taped in Box 5 pictured below...

Wyatt is really enjoying his course about "Constitutional Literacy." I can see that it really is making him think about the Constitution, how it was and is interpreted, and how that impacts our country. The questions are very thought-provoking, and he often writes far more for his answers than I'm expecting. He likes to read the question and his answers out loud to me, and he often pauses while reading his answer to embellish on it further. :D He is a person who is quite black and white on what is right and wrong, and this appeals to his sense of justice. Here are a few of his answers to his Constitutional Literacy questions...
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"Whatever Happened to Justice" has been interesting as well. For this portion of Government, Wyatt is reading and annotating. He is then noting the "Principles of Government" he is discovering as he reads...

In Christ,