World History High School:
Wyatt mentioned that this is one of his favorite Bible studies he has ever done. I would agree!
"The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study: Old Testament Vol. I" is what we are studying this year, and it has been so insightful. I enjoy reading Wyatt's answers, and the answer key is easy to use, but it is really all of the connections the study draws out that are powerful. It is quite in-depth, so it has been great partnered with the less formal prayer journal and Scripture Memory work. Wyatt has used some youtube videos to help him learn all the books of the Bible in order, and now he is working on the 10 Commandments. The youtube videos with finger signs and brief explanations for each have made this very easy and fun. The Selah hymn study is teaching him hymns, and the notes in the CD insert have been really stirring too. I'm so glad Bible is a daily, meaningful part of Heart of Dakota. By the time Wyatt finishes his homeschooling with Heart of Dakota, he will have had daily Bible study and/or Bible Quiet Times every single day of his schooling, from preschool through his senior year in high school. That kind of time in the Bible, in prayer, in praise music, in devotions, in discussions with me, in Scripture memorization - cannot be 'made up' later in life. I am so glad our dc have an education keeping Christ front and center all the way through. I view this as the highest form of 'education,' though it has taken me a lifetime career in teaching to come to that conclusion. Thank God He is patient, loving, and kind - and willing to refine like silver His children, like ME and my sons - a constant work in progress.
For Literature Study, Wyatt is reading "Pearl Maiden." I read this book myself for pure enjoyment a handful of years back, and I am thrilled Carrie chose to include it. It is one of those books that begins slowly, picking up speed, and coming to an ending you want to give a standing ovation!
It also accurately describes the struggles during the time when both Jews and Romans despised Christians, and how even in extremely dire times of trials, God does have a plan, and it is a good one, even if at times it seems it is not. The Scriptures Wyatt is looking up as he reads "Pearl Maiden" show how Scripture truly can give clarity in what is wrong and right, and in what decisions are the right ones - even though they may seem impossible. As a mother of 3 sons, I especially appreciate Miriam's mom's dying plea for Miriam to marry someone who would be 'equally yoked' - or in other words, marry someone who also believes in Christ with all of his heart. That is certainly my prayer for my sons! That they too would each marry a young lady who first and foremost, loves Christ! This is just one more reason 'Pearl Maiden' is an amazing book!
Wyatt's Topic Narration was about Roman Architecture. He listed the main topics in the order he wanted to narrate upon them, and then listed phrases behind them to jog his memory. This has taught him many important skills, such as taking notes, planning for an oral 'presentation,' considering proper sequence, using events' /characters'/ and settings' proper names, and simply referring to notes and looking up as he is giving his oral narration. He is getting more and more comfortable with this, and can ad lib more and more between points in a way that is quite narrative. You can see his notes in Box 5 of the picture.
Wyatt also had a talking points narration, in which he discussed various philosophers, their beliefs, and how those beliefs impacted the way they lived their lives. I thoroughly enjoyed his retelling of this "People, Places, and Events of World History" reading in this manner. I like how Carrie keeps narrations fresh by using varied approaches, yet still keeps them true to Charlotte Mason ideas by encouraging personal style in retellings. You can see Wyatt's notes in Box 8 - the highlighting shows the force or power each philosopher believed controlled the universe.
In art, Wyatt started his 'Horsing Around' project with chalk pastels. Pat Knepley is a truly gifted art teacher. Her directions are so clear, and she is a very positive, encouraging Christian lady. I see her drawing the artist out of Wyatt (no pun intended
), while also encouraging the natural artistry of his cousin, Shaw. That is no easy task - to help those who are not as into art and to take those further who live and breathe for art! I am impressed.
The picture below is just the start of his project, more pictures will follow when he finishes it!
In Christ,