This was a whirlwind week! The boys are deer hunting, so we only did school 3 days this week. It simply flew by! Then there was a ton of baking and cooking for the men and the boys, and they were off. I am praying for their safety, and also for my little Emmett to get better, as he is sick with the flu.
Revival to Revolution:
This week, Wyatt's history project was hasty pudding. It was mmmm, mmmm, good.
All of the boys enjoyed it.
One thing I have made it a point to do this year is check each box of work Wyatt is doing. I have several follow-up times when I check in with him, asking the follow-up questions, having him recite his Bible memory verse, discussing editing changes that are needed, having him orally answer the questions in the guide about the paintings / the Storytime readings / the Primary Source Document readings etc. I initial each box next to his initial, and this is my way of making sure I have done my part to make sure he has understood all that he has done for the day. I don't embellish on what is planned in the guide. I don't add more questions, or quiz him on the key ideas, or require him to write answers he was supposed to ponder, but I do simply ask what is already asked in the box. It goes quickly and helps me keep on top of keeping him accountable.
Preparing Hearts for His Glory:
I snapped more pics of Riley this week than Wyatt, I think because I am just continually amazed at how well PHFHG is going for Riley. I remember thinking when Wyatt got to PHFHG that everything we'd done in years past in HOD just came together so well and all of a sudden, independent work was successful, skills were just in full-bloom, and retention was happening across the board so nicely. Well, the same is true now for Riley. He is just blossoming! I am so thankful for the way HOD transitions dc into independent learning, incremental skills, and CM style of learning. It is just all coming together, and I love what I see!
Baking! Riley is baking. He is learning to follow simple recipes, and he is doing well with it. This is coming from the child who was frightened to make mac and cheese in the microwave. He is loving learning to cook and bake, and PHFHG is helping him be successful in it with small steps and simple recipes that relate to history. Here are Riley's Egyptian pastries - which everyone enjoyed...
Drawing! Riley is drawing lovely pictures with "Draw and Write Through History". Check out his latest...
Cursive! Riley is loving writing cursive and doing a nice job with it...
These are just a few areas Riley is blooming in, but I am thrilled with his progress overall.
Little Hearts for His Glory:
Emmett is enjoying LHFHG so much. I like how it teaches Christ is at the center of history, and that all of history is His Story. What a great way to begin a 1 year sweep of history!
Emmett enjoyed this collage he made for history this week...
He is surprising me by how well he is listening to "History for Little Pilgrims". He does fairly well with this, and I remember this being a tougher skill for our other dc. I'm glad he is being taught to gradually hone his listening skills with books with fewer pictures. The readings are just short enough to keep his attention, and just long enough with just enough pictures to stretch him.
Handwriting is coming along for little Emmett. Of course, he has quite a way to go on this, but I'm happy with how he is starting off with it. Here he is proudly showing his handwriting paper...
Emmett loves math. HOD's hands-on activities make it so fun, and they really help him have lots of bodily-kinesthetic ways to connect with what he's learning. Here he traced (in dishsoap in a ziplock bag) a number of something he'd counted. In the first picture, he counted the markers, and in the second the bananas...
Well, it was a short week, but a good one! I hope you had a great week too!
In Christ,