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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:54 pm
by MamaMary
Julie, I LOVED your sons notebooking pages. Your youngest sons zebra is AMAZING!

Heidi- What a neat assignment to make oil windows. His log cabin looked GREAT! What is "nationals"? What does your husband do at the stadium?

KELLY! CONGRATULATIONS on your FIRST check IN! WOWSA! I loved those shields and I really LOVE your excitement. I feel the same way! Praise the Lord for Heart OF Dakota...., These are EXACTLY the memories I wanted to create with my children! :D

Leeann, I'm glad your son is starting to feel better and pray your 5 year old does so soon. (((Warm Embrace)))

momof2n2- I love how God Coordinates field trips! It's effortless because HE is in control!

Silly- I am SO sorry about your chest pain and stomach ulcer. I cannot even imagine how scary that must have been. I'm glad it wasn't heart related. (((Warm Embrace)))

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:09 pm
by Kathleen
I love stopping here to read about everyone's week!! I can't think of a single HOD program that I'm not anxious to use!! :D I have so much to look forward to! Thank you Carrie for all your prayer-bathed hard work!! :D

I haven't been "checking in" the last couple of weeks as LHTH is the only HOD program that we've started so far, and we haven't accomplished much for a variety of reasons...some sickness, warm weather, and "helping" at the farm. (As helpful as you can imagine this entourage of mom and kids is... :D :roll: :wink: :wink: )

I have been reading in A CM Companion this week. I am loving everything I'm learning about a Charlotte Mason education and how HOD fits into that for my family! The chapter I was reading today was talking about planning and the different seasons. This quote fits us to a "T" right now, "In early spring we long to escape the bounds of accumulated structure and indoor restrictions." She goes on to say how our routine is welcoming again after we've been outside for awhile. :D

I can't wait to get started on DITHOR and Bigger with my oldest and continue LHTH! :D HOD is a blessing to us!
:D Kathleen

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:45 am
by crlacey
Kelly - Looks like our DD's are doing the same thing. We also did that craft this week. Those shields look like fun!

DD sat down to color with Daddy last night and she decided to draw the time line she saw in the "Little Pilgrim's" book. She was even able to explain the pictures to her Dad! (Beginning of time, the fall, the cross, and the second coming) Guess she remembered more than I thought out of the history portion.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:15 pm
by 1shortmomof4
Mary - The Nationals is the baseball team in Washington, DC. My dh is a police officer for DC and this is why every time someone or a big event is scheduled he must work. Job security is great but the hours can be a big drawback.


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:40 pm
by inHistiming
We really did not do school this week. :oops: Hubby had a business trip to Florida, and he took us with him! :lol: So, we were out of town from Tuesday through this morning. We will start back up on Monday.

I'm so enjoying reading these check-ins and all the posts. We, too, have had great success with the HOD spelling methods...and my daughter does retain the words! My youngest is having fun with LHFHG, and we are switching back completely to BLHFHG with my daughter on Monday (Units 15-34). I can't wait to take pictures and post here next week about how it all went. Keep it coming, ladies!! :)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:57 pm
by granolamom6
Whew! Finally!

Here is my link to our week with HOD:

We are loving it! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:42 pm
by my3sons
granolamom6 wrote:Whew! Finally!

Here is my link to our week with HOD:

We are loving it! :D
I have totally loved reading about everyone's week with HOD! :o I look forward to finding out what you all have done in HOD so much. It is truly a happy "gal pal" time for me each Friday and Saturday as I read them!!! I found myself nodding at all of Mary's wonderful comments - I'm thinking the exact same things, so I won't repeat them (BTW-My ds colors all of his pictures the way the zebra looks - they are his finest artwork - according to him!). I have to say that I absolutely LOVE Josie saying her Bible verse though. I think she really could be a newscaster someday (I bet she'll have more teeth by then though)!!! Thanks for sharing granolamom!!! :lol: It's good to laugh together and have this check-in to enjoy each others' week with HOD!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:04 pm
by momof4
Sorry to hear about all the sick ones.:( Hope everyone is feeling better now.

Granolamom6 your daughter is so cute! I loved watching her expressions while she said her verse.

Here is a link to our week.

We ended up taking Friday off. It was too nice outside!!
