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Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:15 am
by laurabelle1317
First time posting in the week-in-review! YAY!

We had a very fun week 2 in LHTH learning about Noah not too long ago! We are using a combination of LHTH along with the book 1001 Ways to Introduce Your Child to the Bible. It has extra activities and crafts to do which my son loves! They go super well together so far!

We are actually in the middle of week 3 (Abraham) right now, but not done so I am not posting that on this week's update. And since I haven't posted our Noah review it is on my blog: ... heart.html (Please forgive any extra long lines of space. I am having formatting issues that I just can't seem to fix!)

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:26 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
We had another great week with LHFHG! Here's the link to my blog ... eek-7.html

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:32 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
I haven't posted in the week in review in so long! Maybe never! We have finished unit 1 of Preparing, and will soon begin DITHOR with DD9 as well as LHFHG with DS6. We're easing into school this year and it's going much better! We LOVE Grandpa's Box and ALL of my kids sit in to listen, even the 3yo who doesn't sit in genera.l :lol: DD9 is learning to follow directions (sometimes, having to learn the hard way :wink: ) and she is amazing me with her drawing ability! She has gotten frustrated a little a couple times, so I've helped her an itty bitty bit, but you'll see her nearly complete person she drew on the blog, and I assure you-- SHE DID IT!! :D We are thrilled with PHFHG! I can already see her changing as far as school attitude and ability goes. I can't wait to dig in some more!
Here's a post on my blog for the main projects from this unit. I went picture crazy :oops: There's even a video b/c DD9 loved the poem so much she memorized it by the 3rd day and wanted to recite it! ... phfhg.html

ETA: Please feel free to leave comments or follow our blog! DD LOVES to read the comments (and so does mommy) :D

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:14 pm
by LynnH
We finished up week 2 of CTC. You can read about it here. ... 02010.html

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:54 pm
by annaz
You all look like you're having such a good time. CTC looks so interesting!

We've just started Unit 4, Day 1 (or 2 :wink: , I forget, it's the weekend). I have pictures, but since I needed a new computer (the other crashed), I'm still waiting on getting more usb ports. So it's either the mouse, the web service or connecting my camera :shock:

DD loved doing the cave art with the woolly mammoth and the wait. It looks just like a cute little dog, but it's a bull. :lol: We should be able to start Dithor this week too. My order came and I was able to look it over this last week.

We're almost done with Arctic Tundra and since dd is taking drawing classes in co-op, her drawings are getting really good! (except for the dog...I mean bull :)) :lol: She's really enjoying Draw & Write through History. I'm glad I bougtht that deluxe package!

We're having problems with English 3. Still up in the air whether to move on, or keep adding some diagramming to the regular lessons. We're only on lesson 14 or 15.

Tomorrow we're going to do part of the clay project for Unit 4 (I think it's 4) since we ran out of time last week. Hopefully my extra usb connector will be here and I can add pics.

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:45 pm
by John'smom
You can see our first week of Beyond here. We had such a fabulous time. It truly was our easiest week of homeschooling and we're starting our fifth year.

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:39 pm
by annaz
my3sons wrote:Little Hands to Heaven:
Emmett came to school with both barrels firing! :lol: He is a "no holds barred" kind of little guy, and boy does he love LHTH! :D He would probably do it all day if I could. As it is, 20-30 minutes is what I've got, and LHTH is going a long way to make this mama feel good about being with her all-boy toddler. :wink:


Oh Emmett is way too cute and funny. I'm not sure that is allowed during schooltime. :lol:

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:48 pm
by my3sons
He is too cute for his own good. He is definitely going to be spoiled as the baby of the bunch! :lol: Of course a mama never can hear too many times her little guy is a cutie - thanks, annaz! :D :D :D

In Christ,

Re: Week-in-Review 8/30/10-9/3/10

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:41 pm
by Carrie

I really enjoyed the sneak peek into your weeks! :D I'm so thankful that you take the time to share with one another as you journey! :D It is a wonderful encouragement to so many and a great way to uplift one another too! :D
