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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 9:53 pm
by netpea
thanks for sharing your week with all 7 boys with us! It is wonderful to see cousins learning and growing together like that. I hope we get spend more time with the cousins when their school lets out for summer. Too bad they aren't homeschoolers too! :lol:

So impressed...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:08 pm
by Marie1225
Hi there, Julie! I am new HOD and I am thrilled to be on this message board. Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful pictures and experiences! I feel encouraged and challenged in a good way to make these years amazing for my boys and myself. Homeschooling is a gift that I want to make good use of while I have it.

In Christ,


Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:11 pm
by my3sons
Lee Ann - Thanks for your kind words, and I pray you have a refreshing summer, making good memories with the cousins. I know it takes stamina to homeschool when not everyone in the family is doing it, and I commend you for choosing to homeschool your children anyway. You really add a lot to this board LeeAnn, and I'm thankful you post here regularly because you have sound advice, and an encouraging heart. :)

Marie - Welcome to the HOD board, and I can tell from your kind post that you are going to fit right in here! So you have boys, just like I do? You'll understand what I mean then when I say how thankful I am that I have homeschooling to connect with them personally. My dh has oodles of ways he connects with our sons, but homeschooling is my primary way, and without it, I think I'd struggle with how to spend time with our sons in a meaningful, joyful way. I'm so glad that you are here, and please keep visiting here. We love to enlarge our HOD family!

In Christ,

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:01 am
by crlacey
Julie - It's fun to see all of your students for the week! I bet your week was fun and load with all those boys!

Last week, we took some days off, so nothing to report here.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:16 pm
by MamaMary
GASP! I was so worn out from staying up and playing at convention that I never checked in!

Julie- This was my all time favorite post of yours. (though I love all your posts) I LOVED the pictures and how you shared a story with each frame. Those two babies were so CUTE!

Momof2n2- I love learning about the underground railroad. Where is that museum? What a cute picture of your little boy!

I loved all of the check in's! Thank YOU for sharing your life here!