Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Ok Girls,
What was YOUR week Like?
You can post:
a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!
Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!
What was YOUR week Like?
You can post:
a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!
Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Revival to Revolution:
This week was all about connections galore! I cannot believe how many connections Wyatt is making in his learning, and how many times the dc are sharing connections among the 3 different HOD guides we are doing. It really is a blessing!
Wyatt made a lovely quilt this week for his RevtoRev history project, like those used in connection with the Underground Railroad. He spent careful time following directions to cut out certain numbers of shapes, and then he assembled them to match the quilt in his History Notebooking pages. It turned out so neat! His younger brother thought it was so neat, he began assembling a quilt of his own, only a miniature sized one.

One of the things we all enjoyed this week was role playing a scene from each of the boys' DITHOR books. It was the final project both of the boys chose, and as always, they involved our little guy and me too. Wyatt's book was "Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince", and Riley's book was "Buffalo Bill". No surprise each of them chose a scene jam-packed with action and adventure. In one of the scenes, there is a shoot 'em up fight between an Indian war party and Buffalo Bill's men. In the other scene, there was a fight between highwaymen robbers and a party of peasants traveling to see the king. We all had SO MUCH fun!
I've just begun reading a book I think may be helpful to me called "Raising Real Men", and I am amazed at how many of the things the book suggests doing we are already doing simply because we are doing HOD! It has been very affirming! Anyway, here are some of the pictures of our DITHOR project (note the headdress is yet another HOD project Wyatt made for one of his history projects this year

We square-danced at the start of one of the scenes, as this was a part of the book, and of course THIS was the part I liked best!

We used soft blocks for the fighting scenes - boys can hit HARD - it was safer
We also got to do a DITHOR kickoff for our new genre of realistic fiction. I let Wyatt choose the kickoff, and he chose the one where I read a poignant description from a realistic fiction book, while each of them draws what I am reading without looking at the others. Then, we compared drawings for similarities. I chose to read the scene from "Understood Betsy" where the girls look threw the window and see little 'Lias in a cold home in a state of neglect. The boys were so compassionate about the state little 'Lias was in - even Emmett who was listening as he did his puzzle said, "That poor, poor, little boy". I see the boys have whisked "Understood Betsy" up to their room tonight, to each read it one more time.

I can't believe how all of the work with units/bars in Singapore math has prepared Wyatt for beginning Algebra concepts. He just GETS it! I truly am in awe. I feel like sitting down and whipping out some equations with letters and numbers, but by the time I'd get all that done, he'd have run circles around me and found the answer in half the time. I've decided to learn this way of math too, and it is so much quicker. I used to enjoy math so much, but I have to admit I enjoy it even more this way!

For creative writing, Wyatt decided to research and write a short story about "The Swamp Fox". I so LOVE it when history and creative writing collide! He wrote it in his own style, but even whipped out the computer and his book "The Swamp Fox" to aid him in accuracy. I like it that HOD has taught him to use multiple media resources well, and then to mesh that research into a work all his own. He really enjoyed it!

In Exploration Education, Wyatt got to build his own rocket. Wow - was he excited!
He was going to get to launch it today, but it was a white-out outside, so I guess we'll launch it tomorrow.

Today when Wyatt and I were sharing with one another in our "Biblical Worldview" study, Emmett's LHFHG verse was quoted several times. Wyatt was so excited to tell Emmett, and Emmett was so excited to say it for Wyatt - quite a few times.
We just had a terrific week!
In Christ,
This week was all about connections galore! I cannot believe how many connections Wyatt is making in his learning, and how many times the dc are sharing connections among the 3 different HOD guides we are doing. It really is a blessing!

Wyatt made a lovely quilt this week for his RevtoRev history project, like those used in connection with the Underground Railroad. He spent careful time following directions to cut out certain numbers of shapes, and then he assembled them to match the quilt in his History Notebooking pages. It turned out so neat! His younger brother thought it was so neat, he began assembling a quilt of his own, only a miniature sized one.

One of the things we all enjoyed this week was role playing a scene from each of the boys' DITHOR books. It was the final project both of the boys chose, and as always, they involved our little guy and me too. Wyatt's book was "Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince", and Riley's book was "Buffalo Bill". No surprise each of them chose a scene jam-packed with action and adventure. In one of the scenes, there is a shoot 'em up fight between an Indian war party and Buffalo Bill's men. In the other scene, there was a fight between highwaymen robbers and a party of peasants traveling to see the king. We all had SO MUCH fun!

We square-danced at the start of one of the scenes, as this was a part of the book, and of course THIS was the part I liked best!

We used soft blocks for the fighting scenes - boys can hit HARD - it was safer

We also got to do a DITHOR kickoff for our new genre of realistic fiction. I let Wyatt choose the kickoff, and he chose the one where I read a poignant description from a realistic fiction book, while each of them draws what I am reading without looking at the others. Then, we compared drawings for similarities. I chose to read the scene from "Understood Betsy" where the girls look threw the window and see little 'Lias in a cold home in a state of neglect. The boys were so compassionate about the state little 'Lias was in - even Emmett who was listening as he did his puzzle said, "That poor, poor, little boy". I see the boys have whisked "Understood Betsy" up to their room tonight, to each read it one more time.

I can't believe how all of the work with units/bars in Singapore math has prepared Wyatt for beginning Algebra concepts. He just GETS it! I truly am in awe. I feel like sitting down and whipping out some equations with letters and numbers, but by the time I'd get all that done, he'd have run circles around me and found the answer in half the time. I've decided to learn this way of math too, and it is so much quicker. I used to enjoy math so much, but I have to admit I enjoy it even more this way!

For creative writing, Wyatt decided to research and write a short story about "The Swamp Fox". I so LOVE it when history and creative writing collide! He wrote it in his own style, but even whipped out the computer and his book "The Swamp Fox" to aid him in accuracy. I like it that HOD has taught him to use multiple media resources well, and then to mesh that research into a work all his own. He really enjoyed it!

In Exploration Education, Wyatt got to build his own rocket. Wow - was he excited!

Today when Wyatt and I were sharing with one another in our "Biblical Worldview" study, Emmett's LHFHG verse was quoted several times. Wyatt was so excited to tell Emmett, and Emmett was so excited to say it for Wyatt - quite a few times.

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Preparing Hearts for His Glory:
Riley loved being Buffalo Bill for our role play for our DITHOR final project! I think he made a fetching Buffalo Bill. Emmett was quick to don his cowboy boots, and Wyatt his headdress. What FUN!

It has been neat to see Riley's constellation book coming together. He has been enjoying reading "Finding the Constellations" and has been gazing at the night sky out his window each night. His little brother got a Twilight Turtle, which is a turtle that acts like a night light, and shows the constellations on the ceiling. Riley got out the little booklet that came with the Twilight Turtle and was happy to show his little brother The Big Dipper, The Crab, The Bear, and so many more. Little brother was impressed!
I realized Riley's cursive handwriting was getting a little sloppy, and I drew lines for him in his constellation book. It looks nicer now. I think he may still need a little help that way yet.

Riley's answers to his 5 comprehension questions in science are improving too. He is learning to use his books as resources, and to think carefully about how he answers. I like that there is a good mix of questions - some at the comprehension level, and some at the analysis and synthesis levels. It is also wonderful that he is pulling out his own Bible to look for answers for his science questions too - all wisdom comes from the Lord. I cannot imagine studying science in a way that is devoid of the Creator. We just enjoy HOD's science so much!
Riley's handwriting was getting kind of sloppy, so I had him erase one answer and rewrite it. That's all it took for him to try to write his neatest.

In R & S English, our poem to study was "The Swing" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Riley was so excited because he had memorized this poem this year for PHFHG's poetry study! He remembered it word for word, even though he memorized it months ago. He said, "Aw, fire those questions at me Mom, I know this poem like the back of my hand!"

I absolutely loved Riley's poetry writing this week. We read "The Wind" by Robert Louis Stevenson. We talked about the personification in the poem, and then he wrote his own poem about snow, adding personification, and using "The Wind" as a model. He did so well! Here it is...

And here it is typed out...
The Snow
I saw you dancing through the chilly air,
I heard you whistling a Christian song of praise,
I felt your cold wet hands pushing me around.
O snow, howling all day long,
O snow, dancing to a song.
I saw you parachuting from the ghostly cold sky,
I heard you stomp the icy cold ground with a loud thump,
I felt you poking cold, icy fingers down my back.
O snow, howling all day long,
O snow, dancing to a song.
Certainly it could be improved upon, but I think he did a good job of using personification. It helped it was snowing like crazy right outside our window today!
Riley got to make a mosaic of a cross, clouds, and rays of light emanating from the sky. He worked hard on it, and it turned out nice. We have been having some great heart to hearts with the Storytime book "Fountain of Life". This book is amazing. It makes us really feel like we lived at the time of Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection. Riley is so upset that the main character, Eli, may not accept Jesus as his Savior. He has grown to think so much of Eli, that he is very sad at the thought of him missing the Savior. I can't wait until we finish it tomorrow. I know from having read it to my older ds Wyatt in PHFHG a few years back, it has a wonderful ending.

I hope you all had a good week!
In Christ,
Riley loved being Buffalo Bill for our role play for our DITHOR final project! I think he made a fetching Buffalo Bill. Emmett was quick to don his cowboy boots, and Wyatt his headdress. What FUN!

It has been neat to see Riley's constellation book coming together. He has been enjoying reading "Finding the Constellations" and has been gazing at the night sky out his window each night. His little brother got a Twilight Turtle, which is a turtle that acts like a night light, and shows the constellations on the ceiling. Riley got out the little booklet that came with the Twilight Turtle and was happy to show his little brother The Big Dipper, The Crab, The Bear, and so many more. Little brother was impressed!

Riley's answers to his 5 comprehension questions in science are improving too. He is learning to use his books as resources, and to think carefully about how he answers. I like that there is a good mix of questions - some at the comprehension level, and some at the analysis and synthesis levels. It is also wonderful that he is pulling out his own Bible to look for answers for his science questions too - all wisdom comes from the Lord. I cannot imagine studying science in a way that is devoid of the Creator. We just enjoy HOD's science so much!

In R & S English, our poem to study was "The Swing" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Riley was so excited because he had memorized this poem this year for PHFHG's poetry study! He remembered it word for word, even though he memorized it months ago. He said, "Aw, fire those questions at me Mom, I know this poem like the back of my hand!"

I absolutely loved Riley's poetry writing this week. We read "The Wind" by Robert Louis Stevenson. We talked about the personification in the poem, and then he wrote his own poem about snow, adding personification, and using "The Wind" as a model. He did so well! Here it is...

And here it is typed out...
The Snow
I saw you dancing through the chilly air,
I heard you whistling a Christian song of praise,
I felt your cold wet hands pushing me around.
O snow, howling all day long,
O snow, dancing to a song.
I saw you parachuting from the ghostly cold sky,
I heard you stomp the icy cold ground with a loud thump,
I felt you poking cold, icy fingers down my back.
O snow, howling all day long,
O snow, dancing to a song.
Certainly it could be improved upon, but I think he did a good job of using personification. It helped it was snowing like crazy right outside our window today!

Riley got to make a mosaic of a cross, clouds, and rays of light emanating from the sky. He worked hard on it, and it turned out nice. We have been having some great heart to hearts with the Storytime book "Fountain of Life". This book is amazing. It makes us really feel like we lived at the time of Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection. Riley is so upset that the main character, Eli, may not accept Jesus as his Savior. He has grown to think so much of Eli, that he is very sad at the thought of him missing the Savior. I can't wait until we finish it tomorrow. I know from having read it to my older ds Wyatt in PHFHG a few years back, it has a wonderful ending.

I hope you all had a good week!

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Little Hearts for His Glory:
Emmett is learning to memorize Bible verses more and more quickly. He likes to sing them along with the HOD music, and he loves to do the activities in the LHFHG guide that involve balls. Here he is tossing his ball in the laundry basket and then reciting his verse every time he makes it...

He could do that ALL day!
PTL his throwing is getting better. I've actually been hit a few times - and I was standing BEHIND him!
He loved hearing that Wyatt read his same Bible verse as part of his Biblical Worldview study. It was just one of many verses in "Who Is God?...), but Wyatt made him feel very special by asking him to say it for him and then saying, "I studied that same verse today, buddy. That's pretty neat you know it!" Emmett beamed.
Emmett dressed up and stood in as a cowboy in Riley's "Buffalo Bill" DITHOR role play. Man, he makes one mean cowboy, doesn't he?

We've been reading about Ruth and Naomi in LHFHG. We learned about different grasses in science, and Emmett had such fun doing his project. First, he painted the grass, then he glued the oats, and last he glued the barley. He loves the projects in LHFHG so much! I like that they don't have to turn out just so for him to feel like he did a good job. LHFHG's projects are always relevant to his learning, but they also always make him be the star of the show rather than me. I don't have to take over the projects. I have my part, and then he is responsible for his part. He feels so happy with his work!

In math, Emmett and I have been studying categorizing things according to an attribute. In this first activity, I gave him an attribute to sort for, and he sorted for that attribute. Here one group had flippers, and one didn't...

Here one group had the color black on them, and one didn't...

On the next day's math activity, I sorted different objects for a certain attribute, and he had to guess the attribute. Here I sorted by which items were machines...

Emmett asked today who made God. We all tried to explain that no one made God, but that He has simply always been. I'm not sure he got it, but I am excited he's abuzz with questions about our Lord. He has been saying lots about Him, "God made EVERYTHING, Mom, did you know that?"
"I love Jesus, Mom. He loves me too!" Oh the faith of dc - may we all have a simple steadfast faith such as that! What a good week!
In Christ,
Emmett is learning to memorize Bible verses more and more quickly. He likes to sing them along with the HOD music, and he loves to do the activities in the LHFHG guide that involve balls. Here he is tossing his ball in the laundry basket and then reciting his verse every time he makes it...

He could do that ALL day!

Emmett dressed up and stood in as a cowboy in Riley's "Buffalo Bill" DITHOR role play. Man, he makes one mean cowboy, doesn't he?

We've been reading about Ruth and Naomi in LHFHG. We learned about different grasses in science, and Emmett had such fun doing his project. First, he painted the grass, then he glued the oats, and last he glued the barley. He loves the projects in LHFHG so much! I like that they don't have to turn out just so for him to feel like he did a good job. LHFHG's projects are always relevant to his learning, but they also always make him be the star of the show rather than me. I don't have to take over the projects. I have my part, and then he is responsible for his part. He feels so happy with his work!

In math, Emmett and I have been studying categorizing things according to an attribute. In this first activity, I gave him an attribute to sort for, and he sorted for that attribute. Here one group had flippers, and one didn't...

Here one group had the color black on them, and one didn't...

On the next day's math activity, I sorted different objects for a certain attribute, and he had to guess the attribute. Here I sorted by which items were machines...

Emmett asked today who made God. We all tried to explain that no one made God, but that He has simply always been. I'm not sure he got it, but I am excited he's abuzz with questions about our Lord. He has been saying lots about Him, "God made EVERYTHING, Mom, did you know that?"

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
- Posts: 1078
- Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:40 pm
- Location: Tennessee
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Julie, I look forward to your reviews each week! Thank you for all that you share. We are so excited to start Rev to Rev in a few weeks!
Oh...and that pic of Wyatt at the computer makes him look SO grown up! I am noticing that in Bryce too. They are really turning into young men, aren't they? Bryce's voice is deepening, he has acne on his face...he is taller than me! I am not ready for all of this!
Oh...and that pic of Wyatt at the computer makes him look SO grown up! I am noticing that in Bryce too. They are really turning into young men, aren't they? Bryce's voice is deepening, he has acne on his face...he is taller than me! I am not ready for all of this!

ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.
We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.
ds13(8th) - Rev to Rev w/ TT Pre-Algebra, R&S English 6, CLE Reading 8, Rosetta Stone French
ds9 (4th) - Preparing Hearts, TT Math 4, R&S English 3, CLE Reading 4, & Writeshop Jr.
We have completed LHFHG, BLHFHG, Bigger, CTC, & RTR.
- Posts: 64
- Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:49 pm
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Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Julie, I really enjoyed reading about your boys' homeschooling week. It sounds and looks like they had such an enjoyable week, filled with lots of learning.
I am looking forward to next week when I can start posting in the weekly check-in.
By the way. I also was thinking Wyatt looked so grown-up. They change so much in the tweens and early teens. My son grew over 7 inches in a little over a year. He is inches taller then me...AND wears a mens size 10 in shoes.
Time surely passes by quickly.
I am looking forward to next week when I can start posting in the weekly check-in.
By the way. I also was thinking Wyatt looked so grown-up. They change so much in the tweens and early teens. My son grew over 7 inches in a little over a year. He is inches taller then me...AND wears a mens size 10 in shoes.

Jean, loving homeschool mom to one and proud daycare provider
DS (13): Creation to Christ w/extension, DITHOR 6/7/8, TT7, R&S 5, ...
daycare bunch: Preschool Prep, plus more
DS (13): Creation to Christ w/extension, DITHOR 6/7/8, TT7, R&S 5, ...
daycare bunch: Preschool Prep, plus more
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Hello all!
This week in LHFHG Unit 18 we learned about the disciples' work as they spread the gospel. We learned that God was faithful even when Peter and Paul were in chains. We made some handcuffs of our own, and arrested our baby dolls and stuffed animals.

We also learned about Peter's vision, when God revealed that even unclean animals were acceptable, and that the gospel would spread to the Gentiles. We made PlayDoh animals. I'm pretty sure the first one is a lion.

It was a review week for Bible verses. Matthew 18:20 was up on the board, and DD5 illustrated the concept - Jesus is in green, there with His people. She also asked me how to spell "believe" so she could write a very important message:

We're cruising right along in the Early Reader's Bible and I "catch" my daughter reading ahead, which is exciting since she understands it all. Both girls are enjoying listening to the stories of Grandfather Frog. When we first started with Burgess, they had trouble concentrating and I was afraid they would find all the stories boring. But as we moved along and they got to know the characters, they became more and more engaged with the stories. They like Grandfather Frog, especially when he says "Chugarum!" They always laugh and say, "I thought frogs were supposed to say 'ribbit!"
In math, we are adding sets of numbers. One hands-on activity was to use blocks/legos to make a train. We added groups of train cars.

It was another full, and fun, week.
We have been so blessed by this curriculum - Bible is the girls' favorite subject, especially with the hands-on activities that really help them remember and love what they hear in the Bible. HTH! 
This week in LHFHG Unit 18 we learned about the disciples' work as they spread the gospel. We learned that God was faithful even when Peter and Paul were in chains. We made some handcuffs of our own, and arrested our baby dolls and stuffed animals.

We also learned about Peter's vision, when God revealed that even unclean animals were acceptable, and that the gospel would spread to the Gentiles. We made PlayDoh animals. I'm pretty sure the first one is a lion.

It was a review week for Bible verses. Matthew 18:20 was up on the board, and DD5 illustrated the concept - Jesus is in green, there with His people. She also asked me how to spell "believe" so she could write a very important message:

We're cruising right along in the Early Reader's Bible and I "catch" my daughter reading ahead, which is exciting since she understands it all. Both girls are enjoying listening to the stories of Grandfather Frog. When we first started with Burgess, they had trouble concentrating and I was afraid they would find all the stories boring. But as we moved along and they got to know the characters, they became more and more engaged with the stories. They like Grandfather Frog, especially when he says "Chugarum!" They always laugh and say, "I thought frogs were supposed to say 'ribbit!"
In math, we are adding sets of numbers. One hands-on activity was to use blocks/legos to make a train. We added groups of train cars.

It was another full, and fun, week.

Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
As always, it is so lovely to read everyone's updates as it is a huge encouragement for me.
So here is our update for Unit 3 of Preparing http://thejoyoflearningtogether.blogspo ... 12-to.html
And here is our first update for LHFHG http://thejoyoflearningtogether.blogspo ... -6212.html
It has truely been an amazing week. I love that this has been so easy and enjoyable while I have been still recovering from my surgery. God has really blessed my family with this curriculum.
So here is our update for Unit 3 of Preparing http://thejoyoflearningtogether.blogspo ... 12-to.html
And here is our first update for LHFHG http://thejoyoflearningtogether.blogspo ... -6212.html
It has truely been an amazing week. I love that this has been so easy and enjoyable while I have been still recovering from my surgery. God has really blessed my family with this curriculum.
Michelle, Mum homeschooling four beauties in NZ
DD1 (13): Rev2Rev, DITHR
DD2 (11): CTC, DITHR
DS1 (8): BHFHG
DS2 (4): LHTH
DD1 (13): Rev2Rev, DITHR
DD2 (11): CTC, DITHR
DS1 (8): BHFHG
DS2 (4): LHTH
- Posts: 325
- Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
- Location: Texas
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Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
I've enjoyed reading all the Week in Reviews. I'm not sure if I'll get one posted this week. It was a very stressful week (because of an outside family member). We finished half a unit with Preparing, and I didn't get to do any Beyond School this week. I tried to do just the basics. Thursday was the most stressful as I felt my dc & I weren't even safe in our own home. Thankfully the Lord is good we are all safe-and-sound. We had lots of people praying for us.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Homeschooling6 wrote:I've enjoyed reading all the Week in Reviews. I'm not sure if I'll get one posted this week. It was a very stressful week (because of an outside family member). We finished half a unit with Preparing, and I didn't get to do any Beyond School this week. I tried to do just the basics. Thursday was the most stressful as I felt my dc & I weren't even safe in our own home. Thankfully the Lord is good we are all safe-and-sound. We had lots of people praying for us.
Many hugs and loves for you. I will be praying for continued peace in your home. I personally think you are amazing to have got any school work done, I certainly struggle when other things are happening.
Michelle, Mum homeschooling four beauties in NZ
DD1 (13): Rev2Rev, DITHR
DD2 (11): CTC, DITHR
DS1 (8): BHFHG
DS2 (4): LHTH
DD1 (13): Rev2Rev, DITHR
DD2 (11): CTC, DITHR
DS1 (8): BHFHG
DS2 (4): LHTH
- Posts: 64
- Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:49 pm
- Location: United States
- Contact:
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
(((( Big Hugs ))))!! My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry about your week. God bless you all!Homeschooling6 wrote:I've enjoyed reading all the Week in Reviews. I'm not sure if I'll get one posted this week. It was a very stressful week (because of an outside family member). We finished half a unit with Preparing, and I didn't get to do any Beyond School this week. I tried to do just the basics. Thursday was the most stressful as I felt my dc & I weren't even safe in our own home. Thankfully the Lord is good we are all safe-and-sound. We had lots of people praying for us.
Jean, loving homeschool mom to one and proud daycare provider
DS (13): Creation to Christ w/extension, DITHOR 6/7/8, TT7, R&S 5, ...
daycare bunch: Preschool Prep, plus more
DS (13): Creation to Christ w/extension, DITHOR 6/7/8, TT7, R&S 5, ...
daycare bunch: Preschool Prep, plus more
- Posts: 325
- Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
- Location: Texas
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Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Thank you ladies for the hugs and prayers. You know, I didn't realize how much it affected me until today. Well, I was extremely exhausted by 9:00p.m. last night, that doesn't happen very often as I'm a night-owl.
Again, thank you so much for your prayers.
Again, thank you so much for your prayers.
Last edited by Homeschooling6 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
ds16~WG and now WH
dd.15~RtR, MTMM, and now WG
ds.14~ PH, CTC, and now MtMM
ds.13~ PH, CTC, and now Rev2Rev
ds.11 ~Bigger, and now CtC
ds.10 ~ Preparing
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:34 pm
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Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
We had a short week, but a great week. Here is our update.
Kristin (Mother of ds and dd using BIGGER)
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
It is not your reaction when people are looking that matters, but what your reactions are when no one is watching that shows your true heart!
- Posts: 470
- Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:47 am
- Location: Fort Richardson, AK
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Praying for your family, Homeschooling6.
I just love reading everyone's updates! We finished an entire unit in that much time! We began Jesus's ministry in Unit 12. I plan to do a blog tomorrow. We have pictures and everything.
I just need to make sure I figure out how not to make John, my toddler, feel left out. Plus, tonight Shana was reading books when she was supposed to be getting ready for bed. We discussed there being a time for everything, when she said she was tired of "always having to do something." I am not a slave driver, but I will probably put "reading time" in her daily plan so she has that time covered BEFORE she goes to bed.
Links later. Night, everybody!
I just love reading everyone's updates! We finished an entire unit in that much time! We began Jesus's ministry in Unit 12. I plan to do a blog tomorrow. We have pictures and everything.
I just need to make sure I figure out how not to make John, my toddler, feel left out. Plus, tonight Shana was reading books when she was supposed to be getting ready for bed. We discussed there being a time for everything, when she said she was tired of "always having to do something." I am not a slave driver, but I will probably put "reading time" in her daily plan so she has that time covered BEFORE she goes to bed.
Links later. Night, everybody!
loving teaching my rewards!!!
Girlie (dd7) - Beyond, 4 days/week
Boy-o (ds4), LHTH, along for the ride!!! (all boy, whatever he can get his hands on, FULL OF ENERGY!)
Psalm 78:3-7
loving teaching my rewards!!!
Girlie (dd7) - Beyond, 4 days/week
Boy-o (ds4), LHTH, along for the ride!!! (all boy, whatever he can get his hands on, FULL OF ENERGY!)
Psalm 78:3-7
Re: Week in Review Feb. 20-24
Ladies, I truly enjoyed seeing your kiddo's and their progress, it just brings smiles to my face and my heart....
Julie, I am always encouraged when I see your writings on how your kiddo's are doing and how you have such an understanding of their individual needs, progress and talents.
I love how you made the lines for Riley when you noticed the need, I love his creativity and his spunk!
And for Emmet how you see the small gains in progress as he is becoming a great ball thrower, so glad he is soft of heart to see the beauty of the love of Jesus. What a blessing that your Wyatt at his age can be so compassionate and sensitive toward the need of others as you read "Understood Betsy" to them.
Homeschooling6, My prayers go out to you as the Lord is showing you how much you need Him to continue to have a soft heart toward those who are unlovely. May God touch your heart as you lift this family members soul up to Him to see His light and the need we all continually have for our Saviour.
KristinBeth, there is nothing else that touches a Mother's heart than when her children not only enjoy Bible, but choose it as their favorite subject!
Your daughter made a beautiful illustration that will stick with me when I hear this verse!
Molly, PTL, that He sustained you and your family, through your medical situation. Your little one with that beautiful art work of the cross brought a smile to my face as he is beaming with enthusiasm, it's contagious. I absolutely love it when the kids share with each other and show the love of Jesus to one another as Shakayla did for Bethany.
Kristin at Nutbugs,The kids did fantastic on their Rocky Mountains and look like they were having a lot of fun doing it. Oh, and I like your statement: "We had a great week", with your son becoming a gentleman and helping his sister that must have blessed you much.
Thank you for sharing....

Julie, I am always encouraged when I see your writings on how your kiddo's are doing and how you have such an understanding of their individual needs, progress and talents.

Homeschooling6, My prayers go out to you as the Lord is showing you how much you need Him to continue to have a soft heart toward those who are unlovely. May God touch your heart as you lift this family members soul up to Him to see His light and the need we all continually have for our Saviour.

KristinBeth, there is nothing else that touches a Mother's heart than when her children not only enjoy Bible, but choose it as their favorite subject!

Molly, PTL, that He sustained you and your family, through your medical situation. Your little one with that beautiful art work of the cross brought a smile to my face as he is beaming with enthusiasm, it's contagious. I absolutely love it when the kids share with each other and show the love of Jesus to one another as Shakayla did for Bethany.
Kristin at Nutbugs,The kids did fantastic on their Rocky Mountains and look like they were having a lot of fun doing it. Oh, and I like your statement: "We had a great week", with your son becoming a gentleman and helping his sister that must have blessed you much.
Thank you for sharing....

Raising Arrows; Psalms 127:4
ds17, Class of 2020, now at IHOPU
ds 15, WH
dd 13, MTMM
In year 1 of homeschooling it all started with LHTH for us.
ds17, Class of 2020, now at IHOPU
ds 15, WH
dd 13, MTMM
In year 1 of homeschooling it all started with LHTH for us.