Week in Review: August 21-25

This forum is for sharing what your week was like with Heart of Dakota. The goal is to post on Thursdays. You can share a picture, a blog link, a written synopsis, your favorite memory, or anything you want that shares your HOD excitement.

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Week in Review: August 21-25

Post by ResasPieces » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:52 am

Ok Ladies,

What was YOUR week Like?

You can post:

a- A picture
b- A blog Link
c- A written synopsis
d- Your favorite memory
e- Anything you want that shares your HOD excitement!

Important Note: If you are linking us to your blog, please make sure it's not just a general link, but to your specific post of HOD. That way if someone reads through these a year from now they can find your share without needing to hunt!

Back to HOD for 2017-18 (Little Hands in 2007-08!)
DS12 RevtoRev

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:09 pm

Re: Week in Review: August 21-25

Post by ResasPieces » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:44 am

Hi Mommas!

Since I'm essentially new to HOD, I think having a goal to post here each week will help keep me motivated to make sure my kids are being diligent with their lessons week to week. I may laugh at this statement later...

This is our 11th year of homeschooling. I began with preschool using Little Hands to Heaven and as our school morphed over the years have come back--with much excitement on my part--to HOD for all three of our children this year.
We LOVE first day pics (ha!)
We LOVE first day pics (ha!)
HOD 1st.jpg (26.1 KiB) Viewed 10333 times
Our guides:

Elena, 9th: World Geography
Her first week report was "it's okay." Coming from our reluctant student, this is high praise! I'm thrilled with the set up and the ease of checking her progress for each subject. The tools from Carrie and others that I gleaned from the forums has been invaluable as we established a daily routine. She is not a fan of reading so we have already decided to pick and choose when it comes to the Living Library, but otherwise we are using the guide almost exactly as written.

Kai, 7th: Revival to Revolution
Kai was most looking forward to having all his work pre planned for him in a daily format. This is a change from the previous years where I would make a syllabus for each class that he followed using a loop schedule. So far he gives RtR a thumbs-up. The mix of reading and hands on for history is such a good fit for him! We have previously utilized Write with the Best so he is substituting The Good and the Beautiful Level 5 for all the Language Arts and Literature boxes except poetry. Kai is attending a two-day academy (just mornings) for art, science, P.E. (and friends!) this year, so we may struggle with pacing through the week, but I think it is doable with some tweaking. The four-day format is so great for space to add on opportunities like that.

Zane, 3rd: Bigger Hearts
Zane still needs me by his side for most, if not all, of his work. He is can be distracted by a puff of wind--and if there is a moth fluttering by the window or he hears a cricket, well, he's off! So. The boxes....are perfect! I printed a little Velcro star chart from Tara at monarchroom.com and he loves adding a star to each box as he moves through his day. He especially enjoys the fact that the subjects move so quickly. We visited Lake Michigan this summer, and have been to other beaches in the past, so he really likes the science so far. My other two children were happy with Teaching Textbooks for math by 3rd grade, but not Zane, so I opted to order Singapore this week instead. I'm so pleased with the clear directions in the guide and it looks like a good fit for him!

And as for me...I survived!!! I was a little "deer-in-the-headlights" after the first day hearing "Mom!" "Hey, Mom!" "Mom! Maaawwwm!" all day, but I've settled down as they have settled in. Thanks so much, Carrie and team, for providing such a well-done, rich and beautiful curriculum!

Back to HOD for 2017-18 (Little Hands in 2007-08!)
DS12 RevtoRev

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:44 am

Re: Week in Review: August 21-25

Post by FallsHarvestof5 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:15 am

Hello everyone,

We had fun this week and we are looking forward to our next unit. I been slacking on my posts (school started back for me), so unit three and four is combined in one post. It is longer than usual, so I wanted to warn everyone. Can't wait to post again and I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

https://adayinthelifeofanapostolicmama. ... -unit-3-4/
Falls Harvest of 5 includes:

The World's Greatest Husband
DD -Little L (3rd grade)
DD- Little A (2nd Grade)
DD-Little M (PreK-4)

Currently working on Little Hands to Heaven and Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory (2017)

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