First, I want to thank everyone again for your thoughtfulness. You have helped me think through so much over the past few days. I appreciate the gentle probing and the wise answers given. It is also wonderful to have direct input from the curriculum-writer! Thank you, Carrie!
Here's my new question

I have definitely decided to begin my youngest daughter in the Bigger program (she's the "thecond" grader from a previous post.)
I have one more daughter who is under high school level. She is currently in sixth grade. She is working well at home in language arts and math. She takes science class at a local coop but she hasn't had any history at all this year. She really wants a history program.
Do you think it would work if I had her using the history extension material from Bigger? Four years ago we used Beautiful Feet primary Amer. History program but she hasn't had any American history since then.
Are the extension materials scheduled in the Bigger program? I know how to add writing assignments to any program for her, so I think I can boost the material to 6th grade level (some of the books look like they are already there!), but I want things as easy as possible for me. I want to know just what book and just what pages to have her read each day/week.
I admit that I avoided history for each of my younger girls this year. It just seemed like "one more thing" and I didn't have time for one more thing!

Thanks in advance for helping me think this through too. If I do go with this, I will want to get started as soon as possible.