I would agree that Thornton Burgess can be an acquired taste. It is definitely a jump in listening level from regular picture books. At first little ones often don't "get" what the animals are doing and can even be worried about the scrapes that the animals get in and out of. But, over time they grow to love the characters and see the lessons the animals are learning.
Usually once I have told each of my sons that none of the animals are ever killed or actually harmed in Thornton Burgess' stories, my sons have each been relieved and more than willing to keep on listening.
The Burgess' books are in that vein of classic literature from a by-gone time that takes some work to appreciate, but then becomes an endearing favorite in the long run. You may notice there's also another thread running on our board right now about moms that are looking to add even more Burgess titles since their kiddos are loving them so much!
I would suggest giving it at least a couple of weeks or a month before making a judgement. You, of course, may do whatever you feel is best for your kiddo, but I just wanted to encourage you that many moms do go on to love the Burgess books after the initial start. It's so hard to judge a book on the opening chapters.