Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Hi! I'm using LHFHG for a Kindergartener (age 5 1/2) and two 1st graders (ages 6 and 7). We are REALLY enjoying the entire thing and they love doing school. But they are never able to answer the questions from me reading Reddy Fox. They are listening well, it seems. But they just don't seem to get it at all. My 3rd and 4th graders love to listen in (they are doing BHFHG) to the story as well. And, of course, they totally get it. But the younger ones can't answer a single question without me practially re-reading then explaining it to them in much more simple and direct language. Does this mean they are not ready? They do look forward to the readings, and will listen well. Is this something that they will get better at in time? I know for a fact my 7 year old daughter has expressive and receptive language delays, so that may be her problem - that she literally does not comprehend. Any advice for me? Should I just keep plodding along and directing their answers, or stop for now? They are fitting in perfectly in every other aspect of LHFHG.
Lisa, Mama to 7 -
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I have a confession to make....I usually forget to ask the questions. I just ask before we start the next chapter what they remember from the previous day and then read that day's chapter. So I would continue reading to them. It is up to you if you want to continue asking the questions.....or just ask different questions or have them narrate back to you. Homeschooling is all about flexibility and this curriculum is very flexible! I am sure there are moms with better advice.
Kay in PA
Mom to dd12, dd11, ds9, ds7 & ds3 1/2
BHFHG with dss 7&9 and dd11
Mom to dd12, dd11, ds9, ds7 & ds3 1/2
BHFHG with dss 7&9 and dd11
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I think if they are enjoying listening to you reading it, then keep going. Unless it is a chore for them, then the worst you are doing is creating good memories of time spent reading together. That's not a bad thing at all.
If you feel like you need to keep asking the questions, then go ahead (although I must also confess that I didn't usually when we did LHFHG
). It may be that later in the year they will have caught on better to how to process what you're reading and will have learned from your example and from their older siblings how to answer comprehension questions. It may also be that they store it all up to stun you with information later. I did Sonlight with my now 10 year old when he was in Kindergarten, which wound up not being a terrific fit, and he would squirm and wiggle and not appear to be listening to the readings at all, but years later he will still say things to me like, "Oh yeah, Mom, such and such was in that dog book we read when I was little." Amazing. I really wish I could be in their little minds sometimes to see how it all works. 

If you feel like you need to keep asking the questions, then go ahead (although I must also confess that I didn't usually when we did LHFHG

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Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I think narrating is really a skill that takes a while to learn how to do. When they were having troubles with that I read the questions ahead of time and really emphasized when we came to the answer to just give them confidence in the skill of narration. I also really play up reading those books. When I read it all the characters have voices of their own and I think that helps to keep it straight in their little brain. It also helps in the beginning to read the question and if they do not know the answer go back to the paragraph that has the answer and really play it up but first tell them to listen carefully the answer will be in this short paragraph you are going to read. It helps to give them confidence in the skill and then later they can do it without having to go back.
Hope there is something there that will help you.
But also just know it takes time to build that skill. I have one that still struggles a bit with it but is just starting to come around and she is 9.
Hope there is something there that will help you.

All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)
~Six lovies from God~4 by blessing of adoption
-MTMM (HS), Rev to Rev, CTC, DITHR
We LOVED LHFHG/Beyond/Bigger/Preparing/CTC/RTR/Rev to Rev (HS)
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Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I would also say it will probably just take time. We are using Bigger... this year with my dd 8 and my ds 10. We have always done read alouds, and they've both learned to sit and enjoy even long periods of reading. However, we'd never really done narration. DD has some experience with the questions since she went through Beyond...but ds does not and neither one knows how to narrate, really. We are working on improving their skills.
I think if you ask them the question and you think they really were listening, then it's okay if they can't answer. The pp's advice was could go back and read the specific passage and try again. Or, you could just say "that's okay, this is what I was looking for...." and then tell them the answer. They are young, it's something new, and it takes us a ll a while to learn something new sometimes. They'll get there as they mature. HTH

I think if you ask them the question and you think they really were listening, then it's okay if they can't answer. The pp's advice was could go back and read the specific passage and try again. Or, you could just say "that's okay, this is what I was looking for...." and then tell them the answer. They are young, it's something new, and it takes us a ll a while to learn something new sometimes. They'll get there as they mature. HTH

dd 6 & dd (almost) 5 starting LHFHG
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Hi Lisa,
I have had this happen, and what I've found to work in our home was Modeling. When my little one gives me that smile and answers with something not even related to what I just read I normally will read little bites and then stop and narrate to them what I took away. When it gets to the questions at the end you could let your older children answer. The younger ones will be influenced by watching their older siblings model for them what you're looking for. I hope this helps..., Mary
I have had this happen, and what I've found to work in our home was Modeling. When my little one gives me that smile and answers with something not even related to what I just read I normally will read little bites and then stop and narrate to them what I took away. When it gets to the questions at the end you could let your older children answer. The younger ones will be influenced by watching their older siblings model for them what you're looking for. I hope this helps..., Mary

Mary, Mama to 4 amazing sons and wife to one incredible husband! Come check us out on the blog:
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I wouldn't stop reading it. I would try what the others have suggested as far as modeling narration or just to ask them what they liked about hte story. It will come!
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
My daughter had problems with Reddy Fox and Peter Cottontail but now with the third book she seems to have gotten the hang of it and has been able to answer more questions without help.
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I totally forgot to look at what questions I was supposed to be asking! Oops! I have this tendency to talk to my children about the books we are reading anyway. Like do you think it was nice of him to do that? or whatever is appropriate. I had to explain the stereotype of foxes being sly and then define sly so I think we are talking about the story just in our own way. My kids get Bible stories read to them every night and they cannot answer questions when we ask sometimes and we get frustrated because it appears they were day-dreaming. If something is really important then I have to go over it and work with them until they come up with it or tell them and ask them later to see if they remember.
Also, if most of learning happens with experiencing things....why not act out the story with either stuffed animals or have your child pretend to be Reddy and the other children the other characters...take turns switching roles. Some kids are not auditory and reading just does not sink in but it is still good for them and they will learn but doing it helps them remember. If you ask questions about merely recall they may think it is pointless, but maybe try and get the children to relate to the characters by asking how he/she may have felt or what you would do if you were them. If they care about the characters they may remember it better.
I heard this about women and football. Some wives didn't care about football until their husbands started telling them about the lives of the players then they felt like they were connected better. Women are relational. Kids are experiential. Men? Still trying to figure them out...haha! Anyway, joking aside.....reading to kids is never a bad thing if nothing else it is quality time spent together. The younger ones get overshadowed by the older ones sometimes and that can be hard, but I would suggest trying some new ideas and see if that helps. When we hear and see (maybe have them draw pictures while they listen) and experience it (act it out) then all the different parts of our brains are engaged and we remember things better. Some of my most vivid memories of grad school were the skits I did for class....and that was for my Masters degree as an adult. Keep us posted on how things are going.
HTH & God Bless.
Also, if most of learning happens with experiencing things....why not act out the story with either stuffed animals or have your child pretend to be Reddy and the other children the other characters...take turns switching roles. Some kids are not auditory and reading just does not sink in but it is still good for them and they will learn but doing it helps them remember. If you ask questions about merely recall they may think it is pointless, but maybe try and get the children to relate to the characters by asking how he/she may have felt or what you would do if you were them. If they care about the characters they may remember it better.
I heard this about women and football. Some wives didn't care about football until their husbands started telling them about the lives of the players then they felt like they were connected better. Women are relational. Kids are experiential. Men? Still trying to figure them out...haha! Anyway, joking aside.....reading to kids is never a bad thing if nothing else it is quality time spent together. The younger ones get overshadowed by the older ones sometimes and that can be hard, but I would suggest trying some new ideas and see if that helps. When we hear and see (maybe have them draw pictures while they listen) and experience it (act it out) then all the different parts of our brains are engaged and we remember things better. Some of my most vivid memories of grad school were the skits I did for class....and that was for my Masters degree as an adult. Keep us posted on how things are going.
HTH & God Bless.
Mom to dd, 6, 1st grade, LHFHG
dd, 5, Pre-K, LHTH
ds, 2, Toddler Pre-K, LHTH (he loves the songs)
Wife to Jonathan (12 years in June)
Mom to dd, 6, 1st grade, LHFHG
dd, 5, Pre-K, LHTH
ds, 2, Toddler Pre-K, LHTH (he loves the songs)
Wife to Jonathan (12 years in June)
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Thank you all for your terrific advice. I will just continue reading along, since they enjoy it. And incorporate some of the ideas you've given me! Love this supportive board!
Lisa, Mama to 7 -
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
I just have to link you to a great thread on the exact same topic. Make sure you read the thread to the end, as Dorla had the same question, and it's great that she checked in to update the thread 4 months later.
I just have to link you to a great thread on the exact same topic. Make sure you read the thread to the end, as Dorla had the same question, and it's great that she checked in to update the thread 4 months later.

Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Oh thanks Carrie! That link was perfect! Just what I needed to read. I had searched for something on this, and hadn't found it. So I really appreciate you linking me in to that!
Last edited by Benelli on Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lisa, Mama to 7 -
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
PHFHG with Ben (9) and Ellie (11) with extensions
BLHFHG half-speed with Sophie (8) and Anthony (7) with Emerging Readers and Draw*Write*Now
LHFHG with Thomas (7) and Nicholas (5) with Emerging Readers
and Lily Jane (2) tagging along
Re: Should I stop Reddy Fox?
Lisa -
I'm late to the chat here, but I had the same thing happen at first with my ds too. We're now in the 29th. unit of LHFHG, and my ds answers the Storytime questions just fine. Just telling my ds "you're going to be answering some questions about this when we're done, so be sure to listen" really helped him. We all listen much differently when we think we're going to be asked questions about what was read, and my ds still needs that reminder to listen attentively every time before we begin reading.
In Christ,
I'm late to the chat here, but I had the same thing happen at first with my ds too. We're now in the 29th. unit of LHFHG, and my ds answers the Storytime questions just fine. Just telling my ds "you're going to be answering some questions about this when we're done, so be sure to listen" really helped him. We all listen much differently when we think we're going to be asked questions about what was read, and my ds still needs that reminder to listen attentively every time before we begin reading.

In Christ,

Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie