Been using DITHR this year and really enjoying it. But I have to confess I have had it, the entire thing every guidebook, for a long time. I just never got to it. I was afraid it was going to be too teacher intensive. I have six, I run three HOD programs and one has special needs that take quite a bit of my day. I'd get the pages copied and then just never get to it. This year I vowed I was going to give it a go.
My biggest concern that it would be too teacher intensive has not been an issue. In fact we are so enjoying that part of the day. There is so much chance to connect Bible and character, in fact it is already done for you. I was wanting to make more of that before I started but I see now in using it that it is all there and if you want to take it further as God leads there is plenty of freedom to do that. One thing I have done is I have my children make cards for the godly character traits and the Bible connection verse on the other side. I am asking my children to be able to tell me what the character trait is in a close to but not necessarily exact format that DITHR has defined and then we are working on memorizing the verse that connects to each trait. It is more memorization and some may not like that but I am of the mind that I want to get as much memorized and in my kids heart as we can while I have them with me. I give a small prize if they can get them all memorized by the end of the unit. My small prizes are usually edible.

That has been plenty motivation to get the job done. And I really feel like that is great information for them to have in their hearts later in life as a ministry tool for others and to themselves.
Now our year starts later than most of the world so we are not that far into it but I am doing it on all three levels so it gives you a good vantage point.

I can tell you that if you look here on page 5 ... -intro.pdf all those goals are definitely met in the program. And if you really think about those goals it is a huge testimony for the program. Beyond that I would add it does a few things more. One I noticed right away is that the analysis skills are very much like what they would use in college. My kids using DITHR are good readers and have done well with the fill in the blank reading programs. But DITHR has stretched them. There is no prompt. They have to pull it from the reading with no clues as to how it might relate to what is being asked. Those verbal skills remind me of a college literature class. Not in level of course but in the sills that are required and developed. And I am so glad we are developing them because I was shocked that even though my kids can narrate HOD and are good at that this is different skill set being developed. It is not just recalling, this is applying to their life, to life in general and to scriptural principles. It's deeper than narration.

While they are learning those skills they are also learning to take the character lesson taught in the Bible and apply it to a new format in the story. I really feel like that is an important life skill. Ultimately that is what I want my kids to do with all their life and this is very good practice.
I just want to encourage you if your DITHR is picking up dust or you have just not pushed the button to order it because you were worried it was too teacher intensive or that you just could not pull it off, make yourself do it. You will soon be hooked. It took me two days to realize I had made a huge mistake not doing this a long time ago. I just could not picture how it could work in my life and in all honesty I did not have a good picture in my head of how it could really work. It really is something that you see the beauty in by actually using it. It is very well laid out and actually in practice extremely easy to use. Like all of HOD I have found it has just the amount of guidance I need but also enough flexibility that I can add what I feel God is leading me to say right on in there with the teaching. I love to be able to have a little bit of a wild trail and have HOD make that all make sense instead of just getting off track like I did without HOD.

And if you are the type that likes clear direction adn to be guided step by step without having to add any of your own spin on it. then you are going to find it is perfect for you as well.

It really is something that can work for all teaching and all learning styles. If you have not tried it yet I think you will be pleasantly surprised.