What I would do is just take 2 years to do Preparing. You can go full speed with math.
You would not feel so stressed and want to send him to school.
I think there is plenty for 2 years and it will give to time to add any extras that you might want to do.
Ok, I am Christina's friend and I have come up with... Plan A: Stretch each Core out(Little Hearts for 1st and 2nd, Beyond for 3rd and 4th, etc...or begin younger) for 2 years each and begin CTC with books to beef up for High School Plan B: Do like normal, doing Preparing in 4th, CTC in 5th, etc.. T...
I need a good resource for daily copywork. My fourth grader has terrible handwriting and is in Beyond.
I would like to find a good book that has handwriting that he can choose what to copy.
I am thinking of getting Draw Write Now set or George Washington's Rules of Civility.
Well, Do you already have an LA and math proram for the older 2? I have sevenkids and this is what I would do, minus the LA and Math because I don't know what you have or like. I would put the older 2, 9 and 13 year old, in Bigger Hearts. I would add books to Beef it up for the 13 year old. I would ...
I think they placed in Bigger, Preparing, and CTC.
I cannot do 3 guides this year. I also have a child doing high school and a child learning to read, plus a 3 and 1 year old.
I really need to 1 guide. I really would like to keep them together.
I have combined a 7, 9, and 11 year old in Beyond. I have added PLL, ILL, and their own math. I also added Queen A Living History of Our World with Journal, Elemental Biology, and Zoology 1 with journal. I don't feel like either of them are challenged. I need a simple and challenging plan. What woul...
Beyond or Bigger?
I will have a 2nd, 4th, and 6th grader.
They will each have their own level of LA,Math, and Readers.
I will be adding A Living History of Our World by Queens Homeschool with notebooking pages and Apologia Zoology 1.
Well, I have close to the same ages... I have a 14, 10, 9, 7, 4, 2, and 10 month old. Here is what I have decided to do. My 14 and 10 year old(11 next month will be doing CTC, adding in their own LA and Math. My 9 and 7 year old will be doing Beyond, adding in their own LA and Math. My 4 year old(fi...
Thanks everyone. I will keep you updated.I go back in 5 weeks and will find out about the tests(co-infections ) We will formulate a treatment plan then.