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by momof4
Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:05 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Made me laugh!
Replies: 5
Views: 2062

Made me laugh!

Just a little funny that I thought you ladies would enjoy. My son (9) was setting the table and was having problems getting the dishes out of the cupboard. All of sudden he says, "Chugarum!" to show his disgust. I start laughing as I realize someone has been listening to his little sister's read-alo...
by momof4
Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:01 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Teacher Manual for English 3: Beginning Wisely?
Replies: 12
Views: 3433

Re: Teacher Manual for English 3: Beginning Wisely?

Grammar is not my strong suit so I like it to be able to verify any answers I'm not completely sure of and as keyjoh mentioned it has the oral review. Having the teacher's manual has been really good for us, but depending on your confidence in the material, you may not need it.

by momof4
Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:30 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Looking long-term we won't finish on time - should I worry?
Replies: 8
Views: 2794

Re: Looking long-term we won't finish on time - should I wor

Raindrops, I don't get offended talking about diet. We have tried everything you listed and more. We have seen limited improvement, but improvement none the less. Thus, I don't disregard diet suggestions, but I think we have seen the most benefit that we will get from changing his diet. So thank you...
by momof4
Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:16 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Looking long-term we won't finish on time - should I worry?
Replies: 8
Views: 2794

Looking long-term we won't finish on time - should I worry?

Hi Ladies, Just a little background. We decided very early on that our ds would not do well in a classroom. So we decided to homeschool him and are now homeschooling our 3 youngest (18 yo, almost 10 yo and 6 yo). We feel that we were correct in our decision. Even though he struggles at home, we feel...
by momof4
Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:52 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: OT: Vitamins
Replies: 5
Views: 2044

Re: OT: Vitamins

My son has ADD. We tried medicines, but he has tics so the one type had to be stopped because they make tics worse and the second type gave him an upset stomach. This was too bad since the meds seem to really help him in other ways. We had and continue to eliminated as many processed foods and food ...
by momof4
Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:44 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Combining timelines from one year to the next
Replies: 3
Views: 1443

Re: Combining timelines from one year to the next

We began one last year with Bigger. We took the timeline from Beyond and put it on there as well. I hope to continue to add to it every year. So far it has been a lot of fun to see overlaps. Hopefully it will be useful as well as a nice keepsake. We got a blank timeline book from Miller Pads and Pap...
by momof4
Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:42 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Timeline With LHFHG
Replies: 3
Views: 1467

Re: Timeline With LHFHG

We began one last year with Bigger. We took the timeline from Beyond and put it on there as well. I hope to continue to add to it every year. So far it has been a lot of fun to see overlaps. Hopefully it will be useful as well as a nice keepsake. We got a blank timeline book from Miller Pads and Pap...
by momof4
Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:37 am
Forum: Weekly Heart of Dakota Check-In
Topic: Week in Review September 3rd-7th
Replies: 12
Views: 11910

Re: Week in Review September 3rd-7th

Hi Ladies, It's been a long time since I posted in the "Week in Review". I'm trying to blog again so here is our first week: Hopefully, I copied that correctly. I'm not much on all the techie blog stuff which is really funny to me since I used to be ...
by momof4
Thu May 24, 2012 8:01 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Question about LHFHG
Replies: 2
Views: 1475

Re: Question about LHFHG

My 9 yo has high expectations for his 5 yo sister too. She is out of the ripping stage, but she does know how to push his buttons. :D

Enjoy making you timeline. Those sentence strips sound like a great idea. You'll have to post a picture when you are done with it!
by momof4
Thu May 24, 2012 5:24 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Question about LHFHG
Replies: 2
Views: 1475

Re: Question about LHFHG

You can create the timeline if you want, but it is not necessary for Little Hearts. Over the years, if the kids have wanted to do the projects (not in the teacher manual), we go ahead and make them. Just depends on how much time we have. If there are questions at the end of the chapter or section we...
by momof4
Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:07 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Any HODies going to the Mache Conf. in St. Paul next week?
Replies: 8
Views: 2621

Re: Any HODies going to the Mache Conf. in St. Paul next wee

I'll be there!

Tammy, I'll be at the Special Needs class on Thursday, also. I'll write my username on my nametag as well. It would be fun to run into each other!

It will be fun to see Julie and Carrie again and meet Mike.

by momof4
Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:46 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Sharing our "creative" poetry from Preparing
Replies: 4
Views: 1913

Re: Sharing our "creative" poetry from Preparing

This is awesome! Great job!

by momof4
Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:30 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Carrie and Mike, can we visit?
Replies: 4
Views: 1948

Re: Carrie and Mike, can we visit?

What a fun trip! Hope you get to stop and see Mike and Carrie! If you go through Artesian, SD wave at the high school! That's where my mom graduated. They lived on a farm near there. If you have a stop in Sioux Falls, stop and see the Falls. It's pretty cool. Especially, since they have added the ob...
by momof4
Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:24 pm
Forum: Main Board
Topic: Leap Day!
Replies: 10
Views: 2510

Re: Leap Day!

Hope you are having a fun day.

No snow day here. We did start school '2 hours late' in order to shovel the sludge (snow, ice, water) off the driveway :D The kids were begging for a day off, but no go here. We want to be done early this year because we have a wedding this summer.
by momof4
Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:22 am
Forum: Main Board
Topic: John Audubon Book up for auction tomorrow
Replies: 5
Views: 1888

Re: John Audubon Book up for auction tomorrow

Here is a link to the auction (if anyone is interested in bidding. hehe.) The news on tv said that it was one of his first books, but after reading the item on the link, I'm not so sure. I know nothing about art. Still cool, I ...